Friday, July 10, 2009

failed chcoloate diet


I am supposed to be on a diet and apart from eating hazelnuss torte and other assorted things - it gets kinda hard when one visits the mall and gets tempted by this kind of shop


Check out their hot chocolate beverage!!!!

AI ai ai - simply divine - although not as refined as Europe - still; never knew calories can taste so good!

Sigh - I will have to walk there next time - all 7 km of it and another 7 back - only safe way to keep enjoying the beverage . . . . .

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Hazelnuss torte - the nut diet is not working

ok - ok - ok - I know - the nut diet - its blown to pieces

In case you are wondering - yes I did make the torte and here is the link for it
should you desire to re-create this heart stopping calorie rich cholesterol soaking cake


don't blame me if you fell for temptation

Thursday, July 2, 2009

I must be nuts - to be on a diet

Ach - ai -I must be very much a nut to be on a diet - or
how does it go - Father forgive me, for I have sinned??
Well actually I am about to.
We had some fresh hazelnuts and the kids where hankering after a torte so -
I just had to make one and its loaded with calories . . . . . . . .

It uses TEN eggs and about 1 pound of butter - so you see it's not exactly waistline trimming. Maybe if I hike up Sugarloaf (local hill - 400 m straight up) daily - I could indulge a little . . . .

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I am a junk food junky

Well almost,-- isn't it so true?? Temptation always seems to get the better of us.
There was a time I'm sure our sons where breastfed chocolate flavored milk by Mamabear.
Gahhhhhhh take away that Moro Bar . . . . .. . N O W plweeeeeeese

anyhow - I have this song - to remind me to stay strong


In the daytime I'm Mr Natural
Just as healthy as I can be
But at night I'm a junk food junkie
Good lord have pity on me

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My weight loss graph

old bear weightloss chart

I decided to keep a record of a daily weight session and see if I can create a graph.
I have stripped out the trend line - but astute readers will note that this old bear has indeed managed to loose a few kilos, erm pounds
anyhow - with a bit of luck I can copy and paste from excel . . . .


gotta save it as a pick file first - here it comes . . .
My weightloss graph -aint it wonderfully pointing downwards?????

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Must read tips on weight loss ideas suitable for this old bear

Mehhhh; shoulda googled b4 I wrote - seems all the info is already out there;
try these:

myths and fads - helpful tips

lol - another online Papa Bear and Mama Bear ----> tzatziki-plus-week-5-weight-loss

Weight Loss Tips articles Truth+Fad

roflol - I googled diet and old Bear - or more to the point - "how to lose weight bear" and came up with 1335671 websites - wohooooo that would take me years to see everyone of them . . . . . .

Friday, June 5, 2009

Must see - how an old bear can achieve weight loss - and keep it of

hmmmm - more on that later.

First of all lets look at how an old bear can lose weight.
My doc advised I had to lose some weight - no small feat for an old bear who's weight shifted only three times in the entire adult life time but in between has been rock solid.
- the first time straight after I got married - I put on 7 kilos (in less then 4 months)
- the second time when I stopped work and looked after my oldest (full time) just before he was born - again an other 5 kilos
- the third time - hmmmm well ok - it was another 6 or so kilos
So how to loose weight????

Diets I have tried:

- the lets eat from a smaller plate diet -the idea being it's a smaller plate and over the course of a year you eat less - ergo lose weight. - fat chance

So then the old bear tried the drink one of these pre-packaged high fiber drinks instead of a meal - which worked for as long as I keep on eating/drinking them - and as soon as I stopped - yep you guessed it, back to where we started. Besides it was getting expensive (and it never tastes like a "real roast chicken")

So then I decided that I used to be a very active person and burnt of the calories that way - so needed to get of my bum and (have since picked up a part time) - sedentary job and exercise more - wohooo - that just made me more hungry.

Then there was the acid diet / potato diet / the drink water diet / the try and stay away from chocolate diet / the eat fish only diet / urm was there a nut diet too??? Probably - you'd have to be nuts to keep on trying . . .

hmmm like so many of you out there some things kinda worked and some things did not - and the worst part was that after some small losses - - yep you guessed it --- I had the BUNGY diet!!!

After some depressing food binges and yes after our trip to Europe where we well enjoyed the sights A N D food (another 6 kilos added) - I decided to get really serious and look at it in rather cold logical passion.

Weight = food = weight.
You add fuel eg. - (food) and you burn it - if the food intake is greater then the burn part, well then one adds weight - and if you burn more calories off then you add fuel - ergo you lose weight.
Soooooooo simple really the answer is to - starve - wohoooo - thats not fun :'(

I was resigned to the theory that each person has a specific weight and I am stuck with it. Then I hit pay dirt.

Here is what worked for me:
I cut back on breakfast - (currently eat 2 slices of low GI bread with a decent dollop of Nuttella on it - another low GI food item)
I walk 3 km to work and I walk another 8 km back home - yep the long way - sigh that usually takes 1.5 hours!!
By the time I come home it's usually gone well past 2 pm - so for lunch I just have a SMALL helping of fresh fruit - whatever is in season but I enjoy some good plums!
If I am still hungry I sometimes snack on some nuts / sultanas or other dried fruit. Dinner is often a rushed affair due to the life style so - it's often quick and easy meals - but I try and eat more veggies.

I am proud to say that during the last 6 months I have shifted 8 kilos - or 16 pounds for you non-metrics!!
Wohooooo :) Lets just hope it stays off for good!!!
I am aiming for 65 - 69 kilos - after all I got that special suit I want to try and fit back in. Hmmm that would take another - wait - subtract 5 add 2 divvie by 3 add another 1 - urm - well me has run out of paws - but more then 15 months

I have since posting this post discovered that our old European Brethren (and Sisters - ok ok) may well have one over us - the Philosophy is that you eat Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Pheasant, and Dinner like a pauper! Kinda figures - when you consider that if you eat a big heavy meal later in the evening and then just go to bed - all that food being converted into fat because the body doesn't need it and stores it for future reference. Sigh - another lifestyle change - and yep - Fried Bacon and Egg for breakfast just doesn't turn me on, jeeech

Now, how to keep all those weight losses of - that's another post to be written later, meanwhile it's my birthday so I am allowed . . .. ..

Where did mamabear hide that bar of chocolate? ? ? ?